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Certified Professionals Bring Your Design to Life

Over 40 Years of Experience in the Industry

Certified Professionals Bring Your Design to Life

Over 40 Years of Experience in the Industry

Certified Professionals Bring Your Design to Life

Over 40 Years of Experience in the Industry

Certified Professionals Bring Your Design to Life

Over 40 Years of Experience in the Industry

Certified Professionals Bring Your Design to Life

Over 40 Years of Experience in the Industry

Paradise Awaits You In Your Own Backyard

Pool Design and Installation in Miami-Dade County, FL

Creative Backyards is the local leader for homeowners trust in complete pool design, installation, and remodeling throughout Miami-Dade County, Fl. For over 40 years, our owner, Ric Gaydos, has been helping clients realize their ideal outdoor space with pool services. A new pool is more than just a fun and relaxing way to handle the heat in Florida. It becomes the focal point of life-long memories shared with your friends and family. We have access to high-quality materials and the equipment to design a pool that reflects your personal style.

fancy pool

Bringing Your Big Ideas to Life

For over 40 years, Creative Backyards has been helping homeowners throughout the Miami-Dade County, FL area, enhance their home’s look, functionality, and value with our pool projects. We bring passion to every project and deliver long-lasting solutions that look amazing. We completed over one thousand projects throughout the local community and take pride in helping to bring fun, excitement, and value for decades to our neighbors.


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