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Building Your Backyard Oasis in Miami-Dade County, FL

Transform your unused outdoor space into a beautiful and functional swimming pool. Whether you envision a serene backyard oasis or a vibrant focal point for family gatherings, a pool is the ultimate upgrade. At Creative Backyards, we can help bring your pool design to life with our comprehensive pool services for homes throughout Miami-Dade County, FL. We have over four decades of serving the local community. Define your vision with our help and make it a reality so you can start enjoying your pool. Contact our team today to get started with a free project estimate.

Turn Your Dreary Backyard Into a Paradise

Whether you’re searching for relief from the summer heat or want to turn your yard into a hub for entertainment, we can help. As a family-owned business, we’re committed to ensuring you’re satisfied with the quality of our work. Owner Ric Gaydos has been a licensed contractor in Florida for over 40 years. His continued commitment to the community and stunning work have allowed us to continue to thrive for over four decades. Throughout that time, we’ve completed over a thousand different projects. Get started on yours with a free estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard