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Transformative Pool Remodeling in Miami-Dade County, FL

If you’re fortunate enough to have a pool, you want to use it as often as possible. Deterioration, poor layout, and inadequate features may make it hard to get the most out of your home’s pool. Creative Backyards offers pool renovation and remodeling in Miami-Dade, FL. We specialize in revitalizing damaged and outdated pools. Our team has over 40 years of experience and access to the latest tools and materials to turn your backyard eyesore into your own personal retreat. Learn more about how we can help you. Then, book your pool remodeling consultation today.

Magnificent big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Why We’re the Experts for Pool Remodeling

Throughout our four decades of serving the community, we’ve completed thousands of pool renovation and remodeling projects. Regardless of the current state of your existing pool, we can restore it. Our pool professionals have access to innovative new pool technology to make your pool more efficient. We can upgrade the appearance of your pool using high-quality products and materials. Allow us to add features such as lighting to enhance the appearance of your pool. Discover how we can help turn your pool into the one you’ve always wanted.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Comprehensive Pool Restoration Services

Our knowledgeable and experienced pool restoration professionals can work within your pool’s existing dimensions and features. However, we have the skills to transform your existing pool dramatically and include new features to ensure it is better suited for your needs. Our high-quality pool restoration services include the following:

  • Pool Resurfacing
  • Tile Installation
  • Re-Coping the Pool
  • LED Light Installation
  • Jacuzzi Spa Addition
  • New Equipment Upgrades
  • Travertine Decking Installation
  • Salt Chlorination Systems
  • Heat Pumps
  • Cascade & Waterfall Features

Creative Solutions for Pool Renovations

For over 40 years, homeowners throughout Miami-Dade County, FL have trusted the professionals at Creative Backyards for pool remodeling and restoration services. A well-maintained pool is not only an aesthetic element of your home but can also significantly increase your home’s value. If your pool is outdated or damaged, we can help. Our team can inspect your pool and renovate it to better-than-new condition. We can help you re-envision the function and style of your pool. Get started today.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard