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Create Your Oasis With a Custom Pool in Miami-Dade County, FL

Creative Backyards is the area’s leader for custom pool designs in Miami-Dade County, FL. Every homeowner is unique. Instead of focusing on a cookie-cutter approach, we embrace each project’s differences to create something suited for your home. Meet with our skilled and experienced professionals to get started with a design consultation and discover how we can transform your backyard.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Innovative Technology to Bring Your Vision to Life

Our team has continued to be a trailblazer in the industry throughout our four decades of service. New 3D technology allows us to create a render of your new or remodeled pool so you can see how it fits into your existing architecture to ensure your satisfaction. We can make adjustments to the plans based on your needs, style, and budget before we begin work, allowing us to provide more accurate project timelines.

Learn More About Our Custom Pool Designs

We have helped design and install a wide range of different designs. We work closely with our clients to help define their style and needs. Learn about some of the most popular pool styles, and find out which one is right for your home:


Sharp angles and clean lines create a modern and minimalist aesthetic.

Lap Pool

Lap pools are ideal for fitness enthusiasts, providing a straight path for swimmers to exercise and train.

Free Form

Free-form pools often imitate the appearance of natural stone or lake.


Roman pools typically include semicircular or rectangular shapes with elegant features.


Lagoon pools are designed to resemble a tropical lagoon or oasis. Incorporate rocks, waterfalls, and landscape for a serene environment.


Infinity pools have one or more edges where the water flows over, giving the impression of an endless expanse of water.


Our team has the skills and experience to create any pool you can imagine for your home.

Get Started on Your Design Today

As your local, end-to-end pool company, our team can assist you with every aspect of your new pool, including design and installation, while providing instructions on setup and maintenance. We collaborate with our clients to bring their vision for their pool to life. We can help you choose a pool design that is best suited for your home’s style and matches your backyard layout. Contact us today to get started.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard