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Enhance Your Outdoors With Pool Installation in Kendall, FL

When the temperatures rise, it’s time to dive! Creative Backyards provides pool design and installation services for homeowners in Kendall, FL, and the surrounding area. As your local pool services company, our team is dedicated to delivering luxurious pools to enhance your home’s look, comfort, and value. Whether you’re a retired couple searching for a leisurely way to spend your golden years or looking for some excitement at home for your family, a new pool is an excellent choice. We offer complete pool design, planning, and installation services. Get your estimate today.

Modern big house with glamorous pool with bathtub in backyard

Modern Pool Designs Using Trusted Techniques

For over 40 years, Ric Gaydos has provided homeowners with high-quality pool design and installation services. He leads a team of committed and skilled pool professionals with the knowledge and proper equipment to design and install a new pool ideal for your home. We work closely with you to define your goals, budget, and style. We use advanced 3D design technology to create an image of your pool so you can see your vision come to life before we begin the project. Our thorough process and commitment to customer excellence are why we’re one of the premier pool companies in the area.

Modern big house with glamorous pool with bathtub in backyard

Our Comprehensive Pool Services Provides Backyard Bliss

Whether you’re considering installing a pool for the first time or remodeling your existing pool for better functionality and comfort, we can help. We offer end-to-end pool services. Our team can help you design, install, and upgrade your pool. We have decades of experience in the industry and utilize our skills and knowledge to ensure each project is completed on time so that you can enjoy the luxury of your pool. Learn more about our services:

Schedule Your Pool Service Estimate Today

Installing a new pool can dramatically transform your life. It becomes the focal point of family activities, parties, and get-togethers. The professionals at Creative Backyards are here to make your dreams of a backyard oasis a reality. We can customize a pool suited to your styles and needs. Our friendly and expert professionals are here for you every step of the way to provide you with peace of mind throughout the entire process. Speak to our team today to schedule your free service estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard