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Pool Design and Installation in Cutler Bay, FL

In the sun-soaked paradise of Cutler Bay, FL, having a beautiful and refreshing pool provides comfort, style, and value to your home. Creative Backyards provides pool design and installation services for homeowners throughout Cutler Bay, FL, and the surrounding communities. Our experienced contractors use the latest tools and technology to deliver exceptional solutions on time and within your budget. We’ve completed thousands of projects throughout our 40 years of service. Contact us today to get started.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Transformative Pool Designs From Expert Contractors

Creative Backyards is the area’s leader for pool design and installation. As a locally-operated business, our owner, Ric Gaydos, and his team of contractors understand the importance of building strong relationships within the communities we serve. We work alongside our clients closely to ensure their new pool matches their specific needs and vision for their homes. By utilizing advanced 3D technology, we can plan and install your new pool before work begins, ensuring a seamless process from start to finish.

Modern big house with glamorous pool and bathtub in backyard

Learn More About Our Turnkey Pool Services

A new or remodeled pool provides you and your family with decades of fun and excitement. It’s a chance to transform your backyard into more than just wasted outdoor space. Your pool becomes the focal point of friend and family gatherings, birthday parties, or a lazy Sunday evening. Learn more about our turnkey pool services:

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Discover Why Homeowners Choose Us

When it comes to designing, installing, or remodeling your pool, choosing the right team for the job is crucial. Our team has the skills, experience, and knowledge to ensure your pool is suited to your needs while matching your budget. As the area’s trusted expert for pool design, we’ve assisted thousands of clients throughout the region. Learn why homeowners choose us:

  • Customer-Centric Approach
  • 3D Imaging Technology
  • Four Decades of Service
  • Florida State Certified Contractor
  • Family-Owned and -Operated

Jump In! The Water’s Fine

When you want relief from the summer heat and are tired of spending the whole day at the beach, a new pool designed to your exact specifications is the best option. Ric Gaydos and the professional contractors at Creative Backyards offer complete pool design and installation services. We stay current on all the latest trends in pool design and can help you install one that’s right for your home. Contact our team today to get started.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard