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Transformative Pool Design & Installation in Homestead, FL

The average summertime temperature in Miami-Dade County is in the high 80s. At Creative Backyards, we can help you beat the summer heat with pool design, installation, and remodeling services in Homestead, FL. As a locally owned and operated business, we’re committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied throughout the entire design and installation process. We leverage cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality results that provide excitement, comfort, and value to your home. Contact our team today to schedule your free project estimate.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Trusted Local Pool Design and Installation Contractor

Owner Ric Gaydos and his team of experienced contractors have completed thousands of projects throughout his 40 years as a licensed Florida contractor. By offering customized solutions and attentive services to each customer, we’ve continued to create a solid foundation on which to build our business. We work closely with our clients to help them realize their vision for their new pool. We consider the budget, need, size, and individual style to provide you with a truly stunning finished project.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Learn More About Our Process

We know how important it is for your family and our reputation to deliver on our promises. For over 40 years, we’ve been refining our design and installation process to ensure your new pool is installed on time and within the budget while matching your vision. As your turnkey provider for pool installation, we will be there with you every step of the project. Our comprehensive process includes:

  • We handle every aspect of design, including size, layout, and look.
  • Our team pulls the required permits for pool installation.
  • As your full-service pool professional, we handle every aspect of installation.
  • We provide instructions on how to operate and maintain your pool.
  • We follow up to ensure you’re satisfied with the experience.

Your Local Pool Installation Professional

For over 40 years, homeowners throughout Homestead, FL, and the surrounding communities have trusted the professionals at Creative Backyards for reliable pool design and installation. Our pool service professionals are trained using the latest technology to deliver exceptional results you can see before the project begins to ensure you’re satisfied with the design. If you’re tired of sweltering in Florida’s hot heat all summer, call us for a free project estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard