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Luxury Pool Design and Installation in Palmetto Bay, FL

Sitting inside with the AC cranked is one option to beat the summer heat. However, we think there’s a better way. Creative Backyards offers complete pool design and installation services to homes throughout Palmetto Bay, FL, and the surrounding communities. For over 40 years, our owner has been a licensed contractor in Florida. He can help you design a pool that matches your needs and budget. Stay cool this summer with a new pool. Contact our contractors today to schedule your free service estimate.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Complete Pool Services for Your Home

Transform your backyard into your own personal oasis. Owner Ric Gaydos and his professional team have helped complete thousands of new pool construction, renovations, and custom designs for homeowners throughout the area. By combining our customer-centric approach and decades of experience, you can feel confident you’ll love the look of your new pool.

Modern big house with glamorous pool with bathtub in backyard

From Concept to Cannonball!

Your pool should be a seamless extension of your home by perfectly blending its aesthetics and creating a sensible layout. Our professional pool contractors help you define your ideal pool based on your personal style, budget, and needs. As a full-service pool company, you can count on us to be there for you every step of the way:

  • Using 3D design tools, we map out your plans to ensure the pool is right for your home.
  • We obtain the necessary building permits.
  • Once approved, we begin the installation using high-quality materials.
  • Upon completion, our team will walk you through the operation and maintenance.

Our comprehensive pool design and installation process allows us to stay within budget and enhance your outdoor space while maintaining project timelines.

Schedule a Free Project Estimate Today

Outdoor space is often underutilized in homes throughout Palmetto Bay, FL. However, you can enjoy the gorgeous weather with a custom pool design and installation. Creative Backyards is the team you can trust for turnkey pool services. Whether you’re just starting to explore the fun and excitement of a new pool or need us to remodel your existing one to suit your needs better, we can help. Contact our team today for a free project estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard