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Enhance Your Pinecrest, FL Home With a New Pool

When temperatures reach the 90s, staying comfortable while having fun can be challenging. Instead of hunkering down inside, consider a more exciting alternative. Creative Backyards offers pool design and installation services in Pinecrest, FL and the surrounding area. Whether you’re a snowbird who wants to keep cool or a family with young children, we can design a new pool based on your needs and available space. For over 40 years, our owner has helped complete thousands of projects, so we’re confident we can help you too. Schedule your project estimate today.

Modern big house with glamorous pool with bathtub in backyard

Modern Pool Designs for Your Pinecrest Home

Whether you have a vision for your own personal oasis or you’re still exploring your options before committing to a design, we can help. We collaborate with clients to help them identify their needs, set a budget, and create a design plan. Then, we use 3D technology to produce detailed plans before we break ground. Our comprehensive design process is meant to ensure our clients are satisfied with the finished product.

Modern big house with glamorous pool with bathtub in backyard

We’re the Right Choice for Your Pool Design and Installation

When exploring pool design and installation companies, you need one you can rely on to deliver exceptional service. As a family-owned business, we understand your home is an important backdrop for creating life-long memories. Your new pool will be a hit when hosting graduations, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and any other type of social event. Discover why choosing us for your pool design and installation is the best decision:

  • Four Decades of Experience
  • Innovative Technology
  • Customer-First Approach
  • Custom Designs

Make a Splash! Install a New Luxury Pool

Installing a new pool provides fun and excitement for your family while increasing your home’s value. At Creative Backyards, we offer professional pool design and installation services for homes throughout the area. If you’re tired of planning your entire day around going to the beach and instead want a more convenient option to cool off, we can help. Meet with our professionals today to get started with your free project estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard