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Professional Pool Installation

At Creative Backyards Inc., we believe that the more you know about the installation of your pool, the easier it is to understand how much work really goes into it. Please feel free to browse through our website to learn more about our services. We would also be happy to answer any remaining questions you may have about the building process.

Modern big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Pool Building Process

There are many steps to the pool building process, including:

  • Designing the project and proposing the design
  • Obtaining the necessary permits and approvals
  • Determining the pool’s layout and exact location
  • Excavating the pool and reinforcing the pool shell
  • Creating the customized concrete shell
  • Installing rough plumbing and rough electrical
  • Installing the designer tile and coping
  • Installing the plumbing and setting up the equipment
  • Laying out and setting the pool deck (if appropriate)
  • Installing child fence/protective barrier
  • Cleaning up the construction site and hauling away debris
  • Clean/prep pool and apply quartz interior finish
  • Starting up the pool and instructing you on the operation

Please call us directly at 305-456-5720 to inquire further!

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard